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Find yourself doing more domestic and international traveling? Staying connected while traveling can be very costly - but this page is here to help you manage cost and stay effectively connected with your co-workers back home.

Use VoIP Softphone
Use Juniper Office Phones
Use Your Calling Card
Be Aware of Calling Rates In Hotels
Stay In Touch By E-mail

Do Not Use Your Cell Phone As Your Main Form of Communication
Do Not Use Your Calling Card From Your Cell Phone
Do Not Use EC500 While Roaming


DO... Use Your Juniper VoIP Softphone [Back to top]

The Juniper VoIP Softphone is a way of using VoIP to place phone calls directly from your PC or laptop. Calls placed through VoIP Softphone are cost saving and the most effective way to stay in touch. All you need is access to your Juniper issued PC or laptop, an internet connection, and a VPN. For more information, visit the VoIP Softphone intranet page .

DO... Use Juniper Office Phones
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If you are visiting a Juniper office and have access to a desktop phone there, USE IT! Long distance calls placed at any of the major Juniper offices are greater cost savings than calls placed with a calling card or cell phone .

DO... Use Your Calling Card [Back to top]

While calls placed on a calling card are still more expensive than using a desk phone, they are still much lower cost than using a cell phone while roaming in a foreign market. Use your calling card whenever you have access to a landline phone, whether it’s a hotel or a customer site landline and call the access number provided by your calling card to make your calls. To apply for a calling card or to obtain more information, please visit our calling card intranet page .

DO... Be Aware of Calling Rates In Hotels [Back to top]

Calls from a hotel phone can be inexpensive... or they can be extremely expensive. Please check the rates of outgoing phone calls in your hotel before placing calls. Try using VoIP Softphone or your calling card first before relying on a hotel phone .

DO... Stay In Touch By E-mail [Back to top]

When traveling, inform your colleagues the best way to get in touch with you is by e-mail. Internet access is easy to find through hotels, visitor sites, or remote Juniper offices and will help you avoid costly phone calls completely!


Do Not Use A Cell Phone As Your Main Form of Communication [Back to top]

Be careful when using your cell phone while traveling, you may be subject to expensive roaming surcharges. Use VoIP Softphone or your calling card whenever possible and use your cell phone for emergencies and when no other forms of communication are available.

Do Not Use Your Calling Card From Your Cell Phone
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Using your calling card on your cell phone will result in two charges - one for the calling card rate, and the other for the airtime of using the cell phone. Cell phone companies charge for airtime no matter whom or where you call from, using a calling card on a cell phone is not free. Use your calling card only a landline, a visitor phone, or from a hotel phone .

Do Not Use EC500 While Roaming Internationally [Back to top]

EC500 is a great way to stay in touch while you are back home, but very costly to use while you are traveling internationally. EC500 sends your desk phone calls to your cell phone, you will be charged sometimes up to 3 dollars a minute on your cell phone for answering and staying on those calls. When you travel internationally, make sure to turn EC500 off and give your colleagues an alternative way of contacting you.

What EC500 does:

EC500 sends calls from your office number to your cell phone, allowing users to receive work-related calls wherever they are and whenever they need to. Additionally, the cell phone can be administered so that when a user calls into the office, the user’s name and office telephone number appear in the caller ID display of the phone being called. When the EC500 cell phone is administered to send office caller ID, the user also has the option of picking up an ongoing EC500 cell phone call on the office phone upon entering the office.

More information is available at our EC500 website.

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