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  AT&T mobile phone service

Juniper Networks provides mobile service through AT&T. The resources on this page will assist you with ordering your mobile phone or Blackberry device; getting support and repair on existing mobile phone and Blackberry device; and finding support for roaming internationally with your wireless device.

 Accessories for your Mobile Phone or Blackberry

AT&T Accessory Portal - [WARNING: If you have visited any other AT&T portal, you must close all browser windows, re-open your browser and navigate here again for the site to work properly.]

Juniper does not keep mobile accessories in stock, please use this portal for ordering accessories for your AT&T mobile phone or Blackberry. You will be required to make purchases through this portal with a credit card.

 Support and Troubleshooting - (800) 888-7600

AT&T Frequently Asked Questions - A list of frequently asked questions and answers on issues related to your mobile phone or Blackberry from AT&T Wireless. Please read this before submitting any requests to helpdesk.

 International Support - +1 (916) 843-4685

The following link will provide an updated list of all eligible countries for international roaming: AT&T International Roaming.

For assistance and support while traveling internationally please contact the International Care support group. The toll free number is 1-800-335-4685 or 1-916-843-4685 (if traveling internationally) - they are online 24 hours a day.

 Corporate Wireless Sponsorship for Juniper Family Members

Juniper - AT&T Employee Sponsorship Portal - Juniper Networks employees and their immediate family members receive great benefits on their personal wireless accounts through Juniper employee sponsorship.

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